For a man

Are you looking for a gift for a man: boyfriend, husband, friend? Send one online! Best gifts for men don't have to be complicated. Are you looking for an idea? Check Poczta Kwiatowa® offer. Find the perfect gift for men.

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Good start to the day

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Chocolate box

No idea for a gift for your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® has created original and unique gift baskets which are perfect for every occasion. One of such gifts is a Chocolate Box, in which the recipient will find high-quality truffles, organic dark choco...
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Elegant walnut

It is said that life is a hard nut to crack. Thanks to the set Elegant walnut you can sweeten this life for someone. Aromatic coffee and delicious tea perfectly reflect the elegant charm of the basket and go well with nut and chocolate delicacies. T...
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Festive basket

Festive basket is a set of carefully selected sweets from well-known brands. Packed in a decorative white basket, the sweets perfectly match the additions of Delimaro ™ coffee beans, Chelton leaf tea and a bottle of Pan Tadeusz vodka. The remarkably d...
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Exquisite basket

Rustic, woven white box and under its lid a surprise. Lots of surprises. Give a special person a blissful moment of respite, full of the aroma of coffee and the sweetness of chocolate. The Delicadeza set is a gift composed with special care to conquer ...
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Winter twilight

Winter afternoons can sometimes be gray and sleepy. Cheer up your loved one by giving them our special gift from Flower Mail®. This aesthetically pleasing gift will include the selected products themselves. You will find not only cherries and chocol...
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Men’s picnic

Zamówienia opłacone do godziny 17:00 doręczymy następnego dnia roboczego. Zamówienia na terenie Warszawy doręczamy tego samego dnia po potwierdzeniu telefonicznym. Do wybranych miejscowości doręczamy prezenty także w sobotę.
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Box “Agent 007”

Poczta Kwiatowa® inspired by a British spy created a gift that he would surely like. James Bond loved to drink Martini with vodka and he was just fond of exquisite breakfasts. The recipient will find a Martini in a wooden box and chocolates with alcoho...
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Super Dad

Poczta Kwiatowa® especially for the occasion of Father's Day created a unique gift- Super Dad. The wooden box features a beautiful engraving depicting the joined hands of baby and daddy. In the box the gifted person will find Saska vodka, chocolate pra...
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Super Dad with persona...

Poczta Kwiatowa® especially for the occasion of Father's Day created a unique gift- Super Dad with personalization. The wooden box features a beautiful engraving depicting the joined hands of baby and daddy. In the box the gifted person will find choco...
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Chocolate Treasure XL ...

A chocolate treasure is not just a box of chocolates. This is a gift that you can personalize and give it a unique character. Poczta Kwiatowa® has packed delicious chocolates in a box, which impress with their shape. The elegant wooden box in which th...
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For Dad

Father's Day is near, that's why Poczta Kwiatowa® has created a fantastic gift basket Father's Day. Gifted fathers will find excellent cabanas, shortbread cookies, orange-flavored chocolate sticks, Scottish breakfast tea, cashew nuts in chocolate with ...
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Godfather Set

Poczta Kwiatowa® zainspirowana amerykańskim filmem o rodzinie mafijnej stworzyła podarunek pełen różności - Zestaw Ojca Chrzestnego. Obdarowana osoba znajdzie w koszyku czekoladowe cygara, orzechy laskowe w czekoladzie straciatella, plauszki czekolad...
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Basket full of power

Don't have an idea for a gift? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new Basket full of power. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find Jack Daniel's American whiskey, canned biscuits, Gillies coffee-caramel candies, Delimar...
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Jack Daniel's set

Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje bardzo prosty i zarazem elegancki podarunek - Zestaw Jack Daniel's. W drewnianej skrzynce odbiorca znajdzie doskonałą amerykańską whiskey Jack Daniel's oraz pyszne pralinki czekoladowe. Jack Daniel’s® Tennessee Whiskey to wh...
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Gold for the brave (ch...

Poczta Kwiatowa®, inspired by the American war comedy film, created an unusual gift box - Gold for the brave. In the box you will find mango and chili flavored candies, chocolate pralines and excellent American Auchentoshan American Oak whiskey. On ...
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Conival chest

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy zestaw prezentowy Kuferek biesiadny. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie polską wódkę Saska, kabanosy, ogórki kiszone, podgrzybki w słoiczku, kawę rozpu...
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Sepia and Whisky

You don't have a gift idea? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers new Sepia and Whisky. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find American Jack Daniel's whiskey, Turkish Bolci chocolates, Excelcium chocolates, Delimaro cherries...
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Men's box

Nie wiesz co podarować swojemu mężczyźnie? Poczta Kwiatowa® przychodzi z pomocą i oferuje wiele zestawów i kompozycji podarunkowych kierowanych do męskiej części odbiorców. Jednym z takich podarunków jest Męska skrzynia, w której znaleźć można polską...
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Sweet and dry treat

You don't have a gift idea? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new gift set Sweet and Dry Feast. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find Polish Saska vodka, butter cookies, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms in a jar, tea, cho...
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Gentleman's Gift

Nie wiesz co podarować bliskiemu Ci mężczyźnie? Poczta Kwiatowa® przychodzi z pomocą i oferuje wiele zestawów i kompozycji podarunkowych kierowanych do męskiej części odbiorców. Jednym z takich podarunków jest Prezent Dżentelmena, w której znaleźć mo...
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Men's Gift Tower

Męski Gift Tower to wyjątkowy zestaw prezentowy, który łączy w sobie tradycyjne smaki z nutką wyjątkowej męskości. Ten zestaw prezentowy jest doskonałym prezentem dla mężczyzn, którzy cenią sobie wyjątkowy smak i chwile relaksu. W małym pudełku możn...
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Excellent basket

Znakomity koszyk to niezwykle wyjątkowy zestaw prezentowy, który pozwala na stworzenie niezapomnianych chwil. W eleganckim koszyku obdarowane osoby mogą znaleźć: Czekolada Cachet o smaku pomarańczowo-orzechowym Czekolada Cahet gorzka 90% Czekolada T...

Men also love to get presents. However, with gifts for them is always a problem. This is a question - what can we buy for them?

Poczta Kwiatowa®

Fortunately, Poczta Kwiatowa® can satisfy even the most demanding customers.

Gift for men

What you can find in our offer? In many presents the main product is alcohol. Brandy, whiskey or white and red wines will be great for connoisseurs. Chocolate with pistachio, nuts, and even crumbs of gold could make every day sweet and lovely. If we add to this delicious coffee and cigars and everything will close in elegant wooden boxes or original baskets, we can get a wonderful effect. Each of our gifts, depending on your preference, will please men, no matter what is the occasion. Place an order on our website and make them happy in their special day!

Reviews see more

Super present
28.11.2022 r. Brian
Thank you They are beautiful. The Ambassador was very very happy
25.11.2022 r. Lauren
Everything perfect!! ♥
25.11.2022 r. Dominica
Very professionally handled delivery, elegant and friendly service. I recommend!!!
25.11.2022 r. Anna