Gifts for Grandparents' Day

Are you looking for a gift for grandma and grandpa that combines practicality and elegance? You are in the perfect place! Poczta Kwiatowa® offers unique gift sets that will delight your grandparents. Above all, you will find baskets full of quality products, treats and love. Remember about our delivery, thanks to which you can celebrate Grandma's and Grandpa's Day even when you can't meet them in person. Give a gift for grandma and grandpa at its best.

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Coconut box

Your beloved loves chocolate? Do you and your loved ones like to try new flavors? Poczta Kwiatowa® has introduced a Chocolate Delight gift basket to its offer. It is a composition consisting of various products whose common feature is the presence of c...
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Chocolate Treasure XL ...

Praline Fairy Tale is, above all, a box of pralines made of delicious chocolates of various flavors. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared this proposal so that everyone can give the other person a longer moment of chocolate pleasure. This elegant praline box...
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Grandma's basket

Grandma's Day is a special holiday. This is the day when we can especially show grandma how much she means to us. Thank my grandmother for everything, tell her how much you love her, show that you are happy and grateful that she is present in your life...
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Her Dream

A feminine handbag is associated with a place full of ... everything! What if, on the occasion of Women's Day, you give your woman a bag full of sweets? It would definitely be a great gift for the day! Her Dream is a gift basket full of sweets. The s...
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Godlike three

Godlike three is the perfect set for any occasion. Perfect as a casual gift for someone we will see for the first time. It will also be perfect for housewarming, Easter or Mother's Day. The Godlike three is a set consisting of a white wicker basket ...
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Basket of Maria Antonina

Poczta Kwiatowa® zainspirowana królową Francji stworzyła podarunek pełen słodkości, które tak bardzo uwielbiała Maria Antonina. Zrób niespodziankę i podaruj bliskiej osobie wyjątkowy prezent - Koszyk Marii Antoniny.
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Basket of Jane Austen

Poczta Kwiatowa®, inspired by the English writer and many film adaptations of her books, created a gift full of sweets - the Jane Austen Basket. In the basket, the recipient will find candies in book-shaped boxes (with nut, coffee and cream filling), ...
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For loved Grandpa

Are you looking for an interesting gift idea for the upcoming Grandfather's Day? The gift basket "For my beloved grandfather" is an excellent choice from the gift offer of Poczta Kwiatowa®! In the repair, an elegant basket, the recipient will find del...
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Basket full of power

Don't have an idea for a gift? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new Basket full of power. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find Jack Daniel's American whiskey, canned biscuits, Gillies coffee-caramel candies, Delimar...
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Jack Daniel's set

Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje bardzo prosty i zarazem elegancki podarunek - Zestaw Jack Daniel's. W drewnianej skrzynce odbiorca znajdzie doskonałą amerykańską whiskey Jack Daniel's oraz pyszne pralinki czekoladowe. Jack Daniel’s® Tennessee Whiskey to wh...
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Gold for the brave (ch...

Poczta Kwiatowa®, inspired by the American war comedy film, created an unusual gift box - Gold for the brave. In the box you will find mango and chili flavored candies, chocolate pralines and excellent American Auchentoshan American Oak whiskey. On ...
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Raven's song

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy prezent Kruczy śpiew. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie kolumbijski rum Dictator, doskonałe figi w czekoladzie, szwajcarską czekoladę toblerone oraz w...
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Conival chest

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy zestaw prezentowy Kuferek biesiadny. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie polską wódkę Saska, kabanosy, ogórki kiszone, podgrzybki w słoiczku, kawę rozpu...
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Amber basket

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy Koszyk bursztynowy. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie karmelowe cukierki, pralinki czekoladowe, nugat z orzechami, pralinki czekoladowe z orzechami, c...
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Set of Jars

You don't have a gift idea? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new gift set of Jars. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find delicious Sicilian jams (lemon and orange), a set of honey with juice, multi-flowered honey, ma...
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Healthy set

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent dla rodziców lub dziadków? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy prezent - Zestaw na zdrowie. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorcy znajdą pyszny sycylijski dżem pomarańczowy, kruche ciasteczka o smaku ...
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Midas touch

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim miłą niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy zestaw prezentowy - Dotyk Midasa. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie polską wódkę Chopin, nugat z orzechami, pyszną czekoladę Lindt, bombonierkę L...
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Blushed one

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy Koszyk zarumieniony. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie korzenne ciasteczka, nalewkę babuni, trufle, cukierki o smaku truskawki i śmietanki, czekoladki...
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Sepia and Whisky

You don't have a gift idea? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers new Sepia and Whisky. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find American Jack Daniel's whiskey, Turkish Bolci chocolates, Excelcium chocolates, Delimaro cherries...
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Bio & Eco Basket

Nie masz pomysłu na prezent? Chcesz zrobić bliskim miłą niespodziankę? Poczta Kwiatowa® oferuje nowy zestaw prezentowy - Koszyk Bio & Eco. W wiklinowym koszyku odbiorca znajdzie wódkę Chopin BIO, miętowe landrynkii, czekokulki match oraz trzy czekolad...
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Bio & Eco Box

You don't have a gift idea? Do you want to give your loved ones a pleasant surprise? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new gift set - Bio & Eco Box. In a wooden box, the recipient will find moss-wrapped Chopin BIO vodka, mint landrynkii, match cheesecups and ...
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Men's box

Nie wiesz co podarować swojemu mężczyźnie? Poczta Kwiatowa® przychodzi z pomocą i oferuje wiele zestawów i kompozycji podarunkowych kierowanych do męskiej części odbiorców. Jednym z takich podarunków jest Męska skrzynia, w której znaleźć można polską...
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Sweet and dry treat

You don't have a gift idea? Want to surprise your loved ones? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers a new gift set Sweet and Dry Feast. In the wicker basket, the recipient will find Polish Saska vodka, butter cookies, pickled cucumbers, mushrooms in a jar, tea, cho...

When we think about our grandparents, very often smile appears on our faces. When we were young, they gave us change for sweets, and fed us until we were full, always took us to fantastic places and told the most interesting stories.

Grandparents Day

Grandma's and Grandpa's Day is a beautibful, familiar holidays. They allow to honor these infinite sources of love, kindness and time which they spent with us. Unfortunately in the rush of life we very often forget about it. Sending to your grandparents best wishes with a beautiful and magnificent gift straight from your heart is a lovely gesture which express your feelings to your beloved Grandma and Grandpa

Poczta Kwiatowa®

In Poczta Kwiatowa® offer you will find a lot of gifts dedicated to older generation. From sweets and teas to exclusive coffee and wines. Everyone will find something for his beloved grandparents together with Poczta Kwiatowa®!

Reviews see more

Perfect set for parents
30.11.2022 r. Noemi
Very very nice lady, who delivered the parcel :)
25.11.2022 r. Bob
Thank you They are beautiful. The Ambassador was very very happy
25.11.2022 r. Lauren
Very professionally handled delivery, elegant and friendly service. I recommend!!!
25.11.2022 r. Anna