Flowers to Hungary HU

Do you care about your international friendships? Send greetings to your Hungarian friends and order a bouquet from Poczta Kwiatowa® offer.

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Winter Bouquet

Each Florist's Choice Bouquet is one-of-a-kind. The appearance of your bouquet will depend on the choice of fresh flowers in the shop, the inspiration of the florist, and the muse who sows the pollen of flower design. One thing is for sure - the flower...
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Spring bouquet

Each Florist's Choice Bouquet is one-of-a-kind. The appearance of your bouquet will depend on the choice of fresh flowers in the shop, the inspiration of the florist, and the muse who sows the pollen of flower design. One thing is for sure - the flower...
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Sympathy or funeral bo...

Sympathy or funeral bouquet in blue and white colours.
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Sympathy or funeral bo...

Sympathy or funeral bouquet in pink and white colours.
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Dreaming Pink

Mesmerising roses with exiting plant accessories make this a unique bouquet. Send for a birthday or any other important moment. Florist will gift wrap the bouquet. Vase is not included.
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Flower Poetry

Send this happy mixed tulip bouquet when spring is in the air. It brings sun in your heart and brightens up the day of every recipient. Florist will gift wrap the bouquet. Vase is not included.
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The Sound of Music

A bouquet of mixed flowers. Vase is not included.
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Sparkle of Joy

Yellow and white flowers tell heartwarming tales of eternal happiness. This story also has a happy ending if you send a basket full of Sparkles of Joy to a dear birthday child or receive it as an Easter decoration.
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Small Cheese Gourmet B...

A gift basket with white wine, different kinds of cheese, crackers and olives. Photo is illustrative. Products are selected by the local florists and may vary according to local availability. The florist will check the recipient's age (ID) before d...
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Bouquet of tulips with...

Bouquet of florist's choice color tulips and a box of hand-made chocolates. Chocolates are chosen by the local florist.
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15 roses and a box of ...

A bouquet of 15 roses and a box of hand-made chocolates. Chocolates are chosen by the local florist.
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Pumpkin Burger

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Exotic Luxury

For special moments choose flower art - like this eye-catching arrangement. A good choice for a person who appreciates character and personality, suits well also for a man.
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For Delicate Woman

This bright star of floral design charms the birthday child with wonderful and special blooms. A worthy gift for special and memorable moments! Florist will gift wrap the bouquet. Vase is not included.

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