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A touch of luxury: treat your loved ones to something special. This exclusive gift box combines exquisite Louis Roederer Champagne (0.75l) with three red roses. There's no better way to show your appreciation.

- Country of origin: France
- Grape variety: Chardonnay 42 percent, Pinot Nero 36 percent, Pinot Meunier 22 percent
- Sensory characteristics: Straw yellow colour with golden reflections. Notes of ripe and sweet fruit, enhanced by fine woody notes. The flavour is ripe and generous, the Pinot Noir and Meunier from the Marne Valley emphasise the gourmet and velvety character and make the sip big and juicy.
- Winemaking: Fermentation in stainless steel vessels at a controlled temperature and second fermentation in the bottle according to the Champenoise method. Maturation for 48 months on the lees.
- Alcohol: 12 percent vol.
- Allergens: contains sulfites

Delivery note: Please note that delivery is made by DHL and may be delayed by 1 to 2 working days in exceptional cases.

Availability: 20.01 - 09.02, 16.02 - 31.12

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