Flowers to Finland FI

A bouquet of flowers with delivery to your friends or family in Finland? No problem! Order flowers with Poczta Kwiatowa®

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delivery in 48 h

Wreath for funeral, bl...

A beautiful, showy wreath with flowers all around. Wreath in blue, red and white colours.
delivery in 48 h

Wreath for funeral, bl...

A beautiful, showy wreath in blue-white colours with flowers all around.
delivery in 48 h

Rest in peace -funeral...

A natural funeral wreath adorned with roses and chrysanthemums in beautiful shades of red and pink.
delivery in 72 h

Forever in our hearts ...

Loving memories will stay forever. Send a beautiful greeting for your loved one’s last journey.
delivery in 4 h

Loving memories -funer...

Round and airy white funeral bouquet with beautiful greens.
delivery in 4 h

Silence has arrived -f...

Silence has arrived -funeral bouquet glows in white, yellow and blue shades.
delivery in 4 h

Longing memory

When it's time for the last farewell. Longing memory is a blue-yellow-white funeral arrangement.
delivery in 4 h

Basket of flowers lila...

Basket of flowers in white and lilac shades. The shape and color of the basket may vary.
delivery in 4 h

Congratulations bouque...

An airy, youthful bouquet for a fresh student or recently graduated from other studies. The local florist will choose the best pink and lilac flowers of the season and binds them into a casual elegant bouquet.
delivery in 4 h

Congratulations bouque...

An airy, youthful bouquet for a fresh student or recently graduated from other studies. The local florist will choose the best yellow, white and green flowers of the season and binds them into a casual elegant bouquet.
delivery in 4 h

50 red roses

Give the gift of a unique bouquet of 50 red roses, symbolising love and passion. Our flowers are carefully selected, fresh and beautiful, perfect for any occasion. Surprise your loved one with a special gesture and the high quality of our bouquets, ava...
delivery in 4 h

Summer magic

A bouquet full of summer magic. This lovely bouquet in pink shades contains roses, carnations and greens.
delivery in 4 h

Head wreath, red

Sweet summer flowers in the form of the head wreath. Head wreath has ribbons to adjust the size.
delivery in 4 h

3 red roses

Discover the charm of three red roses - the perfect way to express love and gratitude. These beautiful flowers, carefully selected, will delight any recipient. Perfect for any occasion, they go perfectly in elegant bouquets or as a single gift. Make ev...
delivery in 4 h


A gorgeous, breezy and trendy bouquet of carnations and various greens.
delivery in 4 h

Light and Airy

A beautiful trendy bouquet of carnations and various greens.
delivery in 4 h

By your side in sorrow

A white-lilac, airily tied condolence bouquet conveys your message of sympathy.
delivery in 4 h

Colorful greetings

A beautiful and trendy bouquet bursting with colors! The vase not included.
delivery in 4 h

Women's day bouquet pi...

Let our local florist choose the best seasonal pink flowers to create a gorgeous Women's day bouquet.
delivery in 4 h

Florist's choice summe...

A colorful summer bouquet, florist's choice. The local florist creates a lovely combination of seasonal flowers in lovely summer colors. Please note the colors and flowers will vary from the picture! Vase not included.
delivery in 4 h

With blue and white th...

With blue and white colors you can congratulate your close friends or loved ones in many occasions.
delivery in 4 h

Wonderman with Champag...

A gorgeous and showy bouquet in beautiful red shades with a box of Champagne truffles.
delivery in 4 h

Full of happiness gree...

A gorgeous big bouquet and lovely small bouquet tied with a ribbon. Green-white colours.

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