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A fresh composition of hyacinths is the essence of spring! Characteristic subtle smell, pastel colours and a color accent in the form of a primuldial is something that will surely appeal to many people. Thanks to the arrangement in the basket, our composition will be even more durable and will please the recipient longer. These are ideal plants for interior design, as they stimulate them, introduce positive energy, and certainly are a sign of a breath of fresh air, novelty - just spring! Hyacinths in a basket combined with primitives is a fabulous decoration of the house. Poczta Kwiatowa® - first choice florist.

Availability: All year


hyacinth, primrose, basket


Reviews see more

Nice, fragrant flowers
31.05.2018.yr Nickolas
Fantastic! thank you :)
17.01.2018.yr Olivia
very beautiful and colorful. Thank U, Poczta!
17.03.2017.yr Andrew

3 Item(s)

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