Chocolates for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day chocolates are a great gift idea for a loved one. It is a universal proposition that will work for everyone. On this special day, give your sweetheart a sweet gift from Poczta Kwiatowa® offer and say what you feel.

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Sweet excitement

Chcesz w subtelny sposób wyrazić swoje uczucia i czule szepnąć "Kocham Cię"? Przygotowaliśmy specjalny bukiet róż, który podbije serce każdej kobiety. Kokosowe Rafaello i kwiaty - odbiorczyni przeżyje z nimi słodkie uniesienie. Zał...
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Sweet surprise composi...

Poczta Kwiatowa® ma przyjemność zaprezentować olśniewającą kompozycję - czerwone róże i ekskluzywne czekoladki w eleganckim koszu. Słodka niespodzianka to idealne połączenie czegoś pięknego i czegoś bardzo dobrego! To prezent uniwersalny, który ucieszy...
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Thank you for being

Czasem trzeba powiedzieć spontaniczne "Dziękuję, że jesteś". Jest to prezent, który Twoja Ukochana z pewnością doceni! Która kobieta nie lubi dostawać bukietu róż z rozpływającymi się w ustach czekoladkami? My takiej nie znamy! :) Dziękuję że jesteś t...
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Chocolate delight

Your beloved loves chocolate? Do you and your loved ones like to try new flavors? Poczta Kwiatowa® has introduced a Chocolate Delight gift basket to its offer. It is a composition consisting of various products whose common feature is the presence of c...
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Chocolate Treasure XL

Praline Fairy Tale is, above all, a box of pralines made of delicious chocolates of various flavors. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared this proposal so that everyone can give the other person a longer moment of chocolate pleasure. This elegant praline box...
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9 red roses with Lindt...

Showing memory and feelings, even at a distance, is not difficult. Choose a classic duo - flowers and chocolates - and give your loved ones moments of chocolate pleasure in the company of beautiful roses. The day will be more beautiful! The Poczta K...
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Chocolate lover's choice

Chocolate is undoubtedly the queen of sweetness. Chocolate connoisseurs, like the most outstanding tasters, capture individual flavor notes and delicate nuances from a cocoa bar. The choice of a chocolate lover includes carefully selected bars in vario...
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Chocolate Treasure XL ...

Praline Fairy Tale is, above all, a box of pralines made of delicious chocolates of various flavors. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared this proposal so that everyone can give the other person a longer moment of chocolate pleasure. This elegant praline box...
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Chocolate Treasure XL ...

Praline Fairy Tale is, above all, a box of pralines made of delicious chocolates of various flavors. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared this proposal so that everyone can give the other person a longer moment of chocolate pleasure. This elegant praline box...
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Chocolate Treasure XL ...

Praline Fairy Tale is, above all, a box of pralines made of delicious chocolates of various flavors. Poczta Kwiatowa® has prepared this proposal so that everyone can give the other person a longer moment of chocolate pleasure. This elegant praline box...
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Elegant wine cooler wi...

Are you looking for an elegant and delicious gift? The new proposal from Poczta Kwiatowa® is an elegant wine cooler filled to the brim with delicious pralines. Cooler wine is a bucket-like vessel that is filled with ice to cool a bottle of wine befo...
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Elegant wine cooler wi...

Are you looking for an elegant and delicious gift? The new proposal from Poczta Kwiatowa® is an elegant wine cooler filled to the brim with delicious pralines. Cooler wine is a bucket-like vessel that is filled with ice to cool a bottle of wine befo...
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Elegant wine cooler wi...

Are you looking for an elegant and delicious gift? The new proposal from Poczta Kwiatowa® is an elegant wine cooler filled to the brim with delicious pralines. Cooler wine is a bucket-like vessel that is filled with ice to cool a bottle of wine befo...
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Elegant wine cooler wi...

Szukasz eleganckiego? Nowa propozycja od Poczty Kwiatowej® to elegancki wine cooler wypełniony po brzegi pysznymi cukierkami. Cooler wine to naczynie przypominające wiaderko, które wypełnione lodem ma za zadanie schłodzić butelkę przed jego podanie...
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My Love bouquet with p...

Do you want to show your feelings to a loved one in a unique way? Poczta Kwiatowa® offers flower delivery to any place in Poland. What's more, it suggests expressing your feelings with beautiful and fresh flowers! My Love bouquet with Fiore pralines ...

Valentine's Day chocolates

Valentine's Day. It's only one day, 24 hours, which seem to be the same. However, they are a holiday, moreover, for many of us a holiday. Some of the perfect gifts that you can give a loved one are Valentine's Day chocolates . Poczta Kwiatowa® prepared the taste of the best player's chocolate. Here you will find, among others, handmade Delimaro ™ chocolate, the iconic Rafaello and Merci. Such with such expressive sweetness of feelings becomes easier. You will also find chocolates and flowers here. Could there be anything more Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day chocolates with a note

If you are wondering what to give for Valentine's Day, we suggest - Bet on sweet gifts! What could be parties than Valentine's Day chocolate with a note? And not just any inscription. We suggest attaching a ticket to each order. This way you will express your feelings in words. Such a gift, even from a distance, will be very personal and personal. Surprise your loved one with delicious Valentine's Day chocolates from Poczta Kwiatowa.

Reviews see more

Very professional customer service. I would highly recommend.
25.11.2022 r. Carol
delimaro - very good and delicate wine. The whole thing looks very nice
16.09.2022 r. Nikita
perfect gift. I ordered for my parents' anniversaries...
16.09.2022 r. Pak. Nm
Lovely ... ❤️
16.09.2022 r. Adela