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Birthday? No idea for present? You do not know which bouquet will be right? Choose a bouquet with gerberas! Extremely original floral composition "Summer smile" is a bouquet arranged by the best florists of Poczta Kwiatowa®. Gerberas, cloves and sunflower make a really great impression. A bouquet full of sunflowers and gerber is the best choice for a birthday present. Personalize your order and add a teddy bear or a sweet gift and give the recipient an unforgettable birthday! Be a heart with your relatives where you can not get there. Poczta Kwiatowa®, your online florist

Availability: 01.06 - 01.09

Composition: gerberas, oxeye daisies, roses, fern

Reviews see more

I recommend!
14.06.2018.yr Yasmin
The recipient was very happy with her bouquet .
17.10.2017.yr Joseph
04.09.2017.yr Julian
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