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Flowers that will say "My dear ones...". A bouquet of pink tulips wrapped in a decorative, delicate material is a perfect gift.
This is a bouquet of flowers that you can give your girlfriend, fiancée, wife, but also other people close to you! It will always be just as captivating! He speaks of his spring freshness and delicacy. It can be used for any occasion. Send greetings, congratulations or thanks together with a flower composition. You can add tickets to this girl's bouquet, to which you can pour what's on your heart. Our florist will be happy to prepare it for you!

Availability: All year


15 pink tulips, decoration


25 pink tulips, decoration


35 pink tulips, decoration

Reviews see more

Delivery o time
17.05.2018.yr Clifford
The receiver was over the moon with the flowers. Thank you so much
18.03.2018.yr Janet
Beautiful flowers im in love
03.01.2018.yr Jessica

3 Item(s)

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