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White lily and gerbera are sweet combinations like a fairy tale. With this bouquet you can express your feeling and make your loved one's day shine with a wave of colours. White lilies are flowers that embody majestic beauty, style and class. These are fragrant flowers, which will be nice not only to the eye, but also to the sense of smell. It is a charming composition preserved in the colors of delicate white and casual pink, undoubtedly suitable for many occasions.
Take advantage of the offer prepared by the Poczta Kwiatowa® online florist.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: lily, gerbera, fern, ruscus, hipericum

Reviews see more

very nice and my mother is happy :)
27.06.2018.yr James
Good job poczta kwiatowa, good job
16.07.2017.yr Romek
Great service , they were professional and got my gorgeous flowers in on time .
17.04.2017.yr Steven
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