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Did you know that flowers express everything they cannot say, especially in important moments? If you are familiar with this topic, use the composition prepared by our florist! Gerbera, santini, rose, fern and will show not only beauty, but also truth which is sometimes very difficult to express. Choose this flowers and Poczta Kwiatowa® will deliver it in the right place and at the right time.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: santini, mini gerbera, rose, hipericum, Swedish fern, leaves of gerbera, ribbon

Reviews see more

A sincere smile on the recipient's face guaranteed
08.07.2018.yr Julia
Delivered on time and to correct location thank you.
18.03.2017.yr Edward
Great courier!
17.02.2017.yr Bartek

3 Item(s)

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