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It is common knowledge that there is no better way to give a gift than flowers. It's not important the opportunity or the season. What matters is the gesture! With cool evenings in mind, Poczta Kwiatowa® has combined a wonderful amber bouquet with excellent mulled wine! A bouquet full of warmth and colour and a warming beverage will certainly cause blushing on the faces of the recipients. Give your loved ones unforgettable moments, which they will enjoy for a long time.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: gerberas, roses, gypsophila, decorative greenery, decorative paper, mulled wine

Reviews see more

Punctual delivery. Flowers looked exactly as pictured on website. Nicely done!
10.11.2022.yr Martha
A great gift for autumn evenings.
25.10.2022.yr Luke

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