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A fairy-tale romance. With this bouquet, dreams come true. Delicate and magical, this bouquet enchants every heart. With this elegant pearl of flowers and your personal card, you will express a loving message unforgettably. A bottle of exclusive Prosecco Albino Armani DOC Extra Dry (75 cl) in an elegant gift box will be delivered with your flowers.

This elegant Prosecco is grown in the Italian region of Friuli. Here, in the heart of the Carnic Alps, lies the DOC region where the Glera grapes thrive. This Prosecco is cultivated by the Armanis, a family boasting an impressive four centuries of wine-growing experience.

The picture corresponds to the middle price variant and the vase is not included. If you wish, you can order it further down in the additional products.

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

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