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Enchant a loved one with an unforgettable gesture of love by choosing a bouquet of 15 white roses. These unique flowers symbolise purity, innocence and true affection, making them the perfect choice for a variety of occasions - from birthdays to anniversaries or confessions of affection. Each rose sounds like a promise of joy and beauty, and their elegant appearance will add a chic touch to any interior. Thanks to Poczta Kwiatowa® you can order these unforgettable flowers with delivery to your home or place of your choice, which will make the gifted person feel special. Choose the natural beauty and elegance of white roses and you will surely bring a sincere smile to your loved one's face. Indulge yourself and others by choosing the most beautiful flowers in our range!"

Availability: 26.08 - 30.10, 31.10 - 27.12

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