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Roses and wine - a classic love combination. It closes in itself the harmony and the ardour of your feeling. This combination of beautiful red roses and exquisite wine symbolizes your relationship. These roses with that wine will emphasize the uniqueness and great value of your feeling. Choose this classic! Give this gift to loved one that expresses your real emotions and don't worry about delivery, because Poczta Kwiatowa® will take care of it!

Availability: All year


12 roses with wine, greenery

Reviews see more

Poczta Kwiatowa - They saved me more than once ;p
16.09.2022.yr Matthias
I am very pleased with the package beautifully packed
15.09.2022.yr Sophie
A very successful gift, I love getting flowers and wine
14.09.2022.yr Yulia
Amazing roses! Wine too!
20.05.2018.yr Damian

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