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Sometimes it is difficult to express your feelings. Flowers such as the Pink Treasure - a new proposal from Poczta Kwiatowa® can be helpful. This beautiful combination of pink and green is just as delicate and charming. This typically female composition is suitable for expressing all these sweet feelings. Cute tulips in a vase full of beads - that's what every princess dreams of.
The pot shown in the picture is an example and may be
different from the one that will be delivered.

Availability: All year

Composition: 15 pink tulips, vase, beads, ribbon

Reviews see more

I highly recommend! Grandma is overjoyed ...
15.05.2018.yr Maria Alexandra
Excellent service, delivery was good. I'm really impressed.
15.03.2018.yr Jerry
Excellent service, delivery was good. I'm really impressed.
18.05.2017.yr Nicole

3 Item(s)

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