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No gift idea? Poczta Kwiatowa offers you a beautiful, magnificent amber heart interwoven with a silver floral branch. A decorative, silver chain is added to the pendant. The jewelery with Baltic amber is beautiful for you. The silver pendant will be perfect for Mother on the occasion of her day, nameday or birthday. Personalize the order and expand it with chocolates or good wine, buying a moment of forgetfulness with a glass of good alcohol. Paint a smile on the face of a loved one!

Availability: 01.01 - 31.12

Composition: Baltic amber
Weight: 5.5g

Attempt: 925.

Reviews see more

Everything as it should be
27.03.2018.yr Kristian
Beautiful amber :)
12.05.2017.yr Johanna
so beautiful !
18.03.2017.yr Florence
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