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Grape hyacinths are flowers that bloom only in the spring. Their polish name - sapphires - they've got from the color of their flowers similar to noble sapphire stones. However their Latin name - Muscari has nothing to do with the appearance and smell - derived from the Greek word mischos means musk - a unique and very distinctive smell of spring. Select a headdress with Grape hyacinths for Easter and send breath of the spring to the house of a loved one!

Availability: All year

Composition: Szafirek w doniczce, ozdoba: kurczak, bazie, jajka, mech, rafia, bukszpan, naczynie

Reviews see more

They are fresh, colorful and fragrant ..
22.03.2018.yr Mathias
Delivery on time
07.05.2017.yr Lea
Delivery on time, flowers were fresh and additions were beautiful. Thank U
18.04.2017.yr Lewis

3 Item(s)

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