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Spring composition "Easter Daffodils" may become a beautiful decoration for every Easter table and will make this Easter even more beautiful. The composition of seasonal flowers with a unique smell and optimistic color fit perfectly to welcome the most beautiful time of the year which is spring. Twigs, eggs and the little chicken create additional decoration and bring a truly easter atmosphere.. This Easter composition will bring happyness! Don't wait any longer and order the Easter Daffodils composition on our website!

Availability: All year

Composition: Żonkile w doniczce, ozdoba: kurczak, bazie, jajka, mech, rafia, bukszpan, naczynie

Reviews see more

A bouquet of flowers is beautifully presented. A beautiful gift
21.03.2018.yr Sofie
High quality
06.05.2017.yr Alina
My family was happy, so thank U!
17.03.2017.yr Leo

3 Item(s)

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