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Flowers are with us almost in entire life. Every occasion is not the same without them. Sometimes they symbolize our happyness or gratitude, but in some moments they are something more than just nice decoration. They become our feelings that we can not say or show. We need from them to be perfect, to be beautiful and properly.
Poczta Kwiatowa® created another wreath which are this perfect composition. This delicate composition are make by eustoma, roses and liles in pastel colours. This natural beauty will symbolize our sincerest feelings

Poczta Kwiatowa® provides for the delivery of flowers to the deceased's house, church or cemetery at a given time, depending on your will.

Availability: All year

Composition: astrantia
lilie azjatyckie
róże różowe
zieleń dekoracyjna

Reviews see more

Service worth its price. Punctual courier, wonderfull execution of bunch
17.04.2018.yr Dorota
Fantastic wreath
25.03.2018.yr William
Beautiful and on time. Thank You
18.07.2017.yr Naomi

3 Item(s)

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