
Poczta Kwiatowa offers delivery of fresh flowers to any place even within 4 hours. Partner florists in any district town will deliver bouquet where indicated at the designated date. Choose a quick solution for your case:

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Frequently asked questions

Send a message on the order

Before submitting the form check Frequently asked questions

or talk online with our consultant (during office hours).

Customer service, address and bank account

We answer all questions as quickly as possible.

Working hours

monday - friday: 8:00 - 20:00
saturday: 9:00 - 16:00
sunday: 12:00 - 17:00


phone: 22 828 95 95
fax.: 22 828 95 96
e-mail: [email protected]
skype: PocztaKwiatowa

Transfer from Polish account

Bank Pekao S.A. XVII O/Warsaw
Nr 67 1240 2151 1111 0000 3309 4612
Please write order number in transfer title.

Transfer from foreign account

Please use credit card or available payment when ordering.

Correspondence address / invoice data

Poczta Kwiatowa Sp. z o. o.
ul. Corazziego 2, 00-087 Warszawa
NIP: 525-21-46-705

District Court of Warsaw City XII
KRS: 0000185818
Stock capital: 50.000 PLN